We had major problems getting the bipeds in from different files as for some reason max will not allow us to resize them. Paul used bones to create the animation in the lights so unfortuntly neither can be resized. We decided on recreating the rooms and lights as it would ultimatly be less work. We used the merge tool to bring in the bipeds but had to delete the dummys we created as they would not allow the biped to be moved around the scene. Once we had the characters in there starting positions we used the "set key" tool lock them in place as we found that if we did not do this the characters would sporadically jump into different positions.
As we started to animate the characters we found that we were haveing some major envelope issues and arm joints were flying across the scene in all directions. I personally had very little experience before this module in bipeds and general animation so small things like this confused me greatly. After what felt like a long time 'fretting' I was informed that it was a simple fix of changing the parameters.